A substainable planet for all

Create partnerships, inspire, share, and support the transformation of The Sustainable Development Goals into action.

Global Goals Tour

Join us on an incredible adventure as we embark on a momentous journey with the World's most travelled Hotdog stand, traversing the breathtaking landscapes and diverse cultures of the Indian, european and African continents. United as a force, we will champion the noble pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals, actively contributing to the creation of a sustainable world that will endure for future generations.

in support of the sdgs

At Impaction, the UN's Sustainable Development Goals form the cornerstone of our initiatives. We recognize their pivotal role in achieving a sustainable future, and integrating the SDGs into every facet of our operations is ingrained in our core values.

We build bridges and partnerships

Lol - Olympics for placed children

Placed children face multiple well-being challenges and is considered a vulnerable target group in our society. Therefore we wish to take action on these issues by organizing "LOL" – Foster Children's Olympics. Our ambition is to create an international event for children aged 8 to 17, offering a day filled with the spirit of sports and communion.

join us

... and be part of something great

As a passionate and dedicated organization, our unwavering mission is to rally individuals from all walks of life to join our noble cause and collectively work towards the creation of a sustainable planet that embraces and nurtures all its inhabitants. 
With a multitude of objectives and projects spanning various sectors, we wholeheartedly invite you, regardless of your background, to unite with us and become an invaluable contributor, as together, we shape a brighter future for generations to come. 
Let your voice be heard, your actions make a difference, and join us on this transformative journey towards a world where sustainability is not just an aspiration, but a universal reality.