global goals tour - 2023

Our journey in 2023

Impaction, in close collaboration with our valued partners and The world's most travelled hotdog stand, is embarking on an extensive global goals tour (GGT) across the dynamic continents of Europe, India and Africa. Our primary objective is to establish and facilitate meaningful partnerships, raise awareness about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and, most importantly, foster an environment conducive to dialogue. By joining forces with local companies and organizations, our aim is to empower and support these entities in integrating sustainable solutions into their everyday operations and to aid projects that supports the SDGs. 

our priorities of sustainable development goals - Global goals tour

Through the Global Goals Tour, we will prioritize and dedicate our efforts to advancing the selected SDGs, leveraging our influence and resources to drive meaningful change and create a positive impact. By focusing our efforts on these specific goals, we aim to catalyze progress and inspire others to join us in building a more sustainable and equitable future. By prioritizing these goals, we aim to have a ripple effect that simultaneously impacts multiple other SDGs, even if they are not explicitly mentioned below. 

quality education

partnerships for the goals